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Job can be defined as a piece of work according to the dictionary, but of course in this case we will defined it as a paid position of regular employment with certain responsibilities to accomplish. In the other hand, dream is a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal. So, when we talk about dream job, we talk about our ideal paid position, the perfect paid position that we cherish and aspire.

Well, to be honest talking about one's dream job is quite a difficult topic to discuss. Many people still struggling in finding their dream job, deciding what they want to do after college, or doubting themselves whether they can actually achieve it or not. Even I do still have the same problems. However, I believe the answer for those problems rely in only 1 thing, you must do what makes you happy, what you really enjoy, and what you really good at. 

Here's one thing to keep in mind: try not to think about the salary when you think about your dream job. People always worried whether a job can support their life (or lifestyle) and how high they will get paid for the position. Trust me, it is not about the money. Still, if you still want that huge amount money, you will get there eventually. But never put it on the first place.

Money seems to be a good motivation, right? I know and for some cases it is actually a really good motivation. When it comes to money, its like sugar for ants, people love money whether you admit it or not. When you get a job with a good salary, a salary that will afford you your dream lifestyle or sport car or luxury trip overseas or as many make-up or clothes as you can imagine (in my case), you will be eager to get the job, you will be proud of the job, and you will be motivated. But only for a while. Yes you will be motivated but you wont be consistent.

When people put money as their motivation, it is usually not far till they become greedy and it is easy to be inconsistent to your job as you will always find other position with higher salary, that may be completely in opposite with your previous job that also requires different requirement and skills, for example: at first you want to become secretary then you observe and you see actress is more promising then you try to become one, then you look at your friend, a doctor with better income, then you, again, want to become one, then you see your friend who is an entrepreneur with flexible time and higher income possibilities, and you suddenly dream what its like to become one. It is a never-ending circle when it comes to money and you have to face that you wont be able to master all things, and what happen when you get a job when you have no idea what you are actually doing? You will end up with failure. 

My number one suggestion is to choose something that makes you happy, passionate, and eager to learn more. Therefore, it will be easier for you to master it. For example: you are passionate in fashion, you always follow fashion trends, you are good in styling your daily outfits, people flatter you for your style, and you are happy doing something related to fashion even it is just helping your friends choose what they should wear in a date or party. Then, you have it, you can find a job that related to that field. You can work as fashion designer, fashion stylist, or work at fashion magazine become fashion editor because learning it is as easy as breathing air for you. No one will have to drag you to like it because you have already fall in love with it. You will realize it will be so much easier for you to find motivation to be better and better in your job, to learn more and more, and you will be consistent with the job because you are in love with it.

Then as for the million dollar question, will you be able to make a considerably huge amount of money doing it? Well, yeah, obviously. When you are good at something and people acknowledge it, they are willing to pay you a lot for it. And who's not liking getting paid well for something that you truly enjoy doing? It does not matter what kind of job you choose, you can always be successful in it. If we talk about being rich, which is very relative for each person, every people from every kind of job can be rich, an artist can be rich, an entrepreneur can be rich, a scientist can be rich, a writer can be rich, every one can be rich. What makes it different is that the one getting rich is the one who actually good at the job.

So, now that you know the secret to get one step closer with your dream job, have you figure out which path to step into?

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