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Having job interview, whether it is for internship or permanent opportunity, might seems as an easy thing to do for some people who have done it multiple times. But what about you, a beginner in this field? Maybe if you are about to face your first interview, you still have no idea what to do about it, what to prepare, or even what to say during the interview.

Fear not, because IRIS Magazine will help you with the ultimate 7 tips on how to survive your job interview when you have no idea what to do. Here we go…

1. Be early and dress yourself up

    If there are two important things to remember when facing an interview, it is to always come early and to dress up. Regardless what time you have your interview appointment, always set your alarm so you have enough time to prepare yourself and arrive on time for your interview. Always pay attention on how you look in front of your interviewer. Take a shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair, or – for women – you can always add extra sparkle by putting on some make up like lipstick or mascara. Put on some formal or semi-formal, neat, and clean clothes as well. Even more, make sure to arrive on time or even early so that you can have extra time to check on yourself. Being late will create the assumption that you are somehow unprofessional and do not take the interview seriously.

    2. Make a good first impression

      When meeting someone new, the first 30 seconds of your meeting is the crucial time to form an opinion about that person. The same rule applied on an interview. Most interviewers will self-consciously form an opinion of you within the first 30 seconds since you walk into the room. Make sure to maintain a good eye contact, smile, and give a firm handshake to them. Those are 3 easy way to form a good first impression. And remember, try not to look too nervous or clumsy even though we know you will have some sort of panic attack because of the interview. You can always ask your friend to help you by doing some interview simulation so that you can train and evaluate yourself before the real interview.

      3. Think before you speak

        During the interview, the interviewer will ask you various types of questions. Some might be easy and some might need further consideration. However, even though you think a question is easy, avoid to answer it directly. Always take a moment, about 30 seconds or less but not too long, to collect your thoughts and formulate your answer. This will help you to form a brief and clear answer instead of a long-winded one.

        4. Be prepared on common questions

          There are always a list of common questions asked on most job interview regardless the position or the company. For example, questions like “Tell us about yourself”, “What is your greatest strength?” or “Why should we hire you?” Since these questions are so common, hiring managers will expect you to be able to answer them smoothly and without hesitation. Consider these questions as a getaway for you, a cheat sheets so that you can prepare and be well performed in answering these questions. The internet are full of numbers of FAQs on interview as well as the best way to respond, make sure to check it out.

          5. Be ready for unexpected questions

            It is fair to say that you might not get asked common questions at an interview. You might get asked other, bore bizarre ones, like “If you were an animal, which would you be?” or “How would you react if you were transformed into a fish?” remember, there is no right or wrong answer for this type of questions. Such questions are designed to see how good you are at thinking on your feet so you cannot truly prepare for them. Just relax, take your time, and say something sensible.

            6. Do research on the job and the company

              Before you are applying for a job or have your interview, make sure to do some research on the job you are applying, e.g. the requirement, its suitability with your interest and qualification, average salary, future career, etc. as well as the background of the company you are applying to, e.g. latest news, culture, financial health, competitors, etc. for the sake of yourself. The information might help you to consider your interest on the job and also to pass the interview well. Frequently, the interviewer will ask questions on how deep is your knowledge about the job and also their company, therefore, even if the first time you know about the company is when you submit your application, you can still walk in like you have known the place for years. Another tip is when you are asked about related question, always start your answer with “Based on the research I’ve done….”

              7. Ask questions

                Finally, after the interviewer is done with their questions, it is your time to ask question regarding the job or the company. Make sure to prepare at least 3 questions in advance. This will make the interviewer assume that you are serious in pursuing your career with them. Some options that you can ask including your day-to-day responsibility, the required qualities they are looking for someone to excel on the job, or even the work culture of the company.

                So, that is it! Now you know what to do to face your interview. Always give your best effort on the interview and even if you fail on your first try, you can always give a better shot on the next one. Remember, practice makes perfect. As for now, we wish you every success for your interview. Good luck!

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